Friday 28 February 2014

Lily B's and Sienna's review on Sapphire Battersea

                                                                                                                   Sapphire Battersea by Jacqueline Wilson is the sequel to Hetty Feather. It's about an orphan girl who meets her mum and tries to find her after all those years. Nine years in a hospital filled with cruel matrons and girls, nine years trying to find her mother. After her mother being fired and taken away from her, Sapphire sets out on a epic journey to discover her true family. Sapphire is sent to be a servant for a horrible man, then gets dismissed without a reference then joins a circus act filled with freaks. Then, once re-united, Sapphire's mother becomes sick and sadly dies. After also being dismissed by a wicked old lady, just because she`s sick. With pleasant and horrid characters new and old, Sapphire has a lot to take in. Suddenly, she remembers a spirit-talking lady that lives nearby, there she meets her old brother Saul who died and then sees her mother. Saul was her foster brother from the country, the master of sly punches and swift kicks who promises to look after her other foster brother Gideon, but doesn`t. We recommend that you read this heart-warming, tear-jerking story.

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